It’s not every day an Australian Educational software set appears on eBay just begging to be imaged. This is the “Basic Skills Software Resource Collection” by the Computer Education Centre (CEC). This is the main collection of 16 single-sided 5.25″ diskettes, and the bonus double-sided 17th diskette. CEC PDF Guide Diskette Images (DSK Format)
June 12th, 2018
CEC “Basic Skills Software Resource Collection”
72 Comments, Apple2, Archiving, Education, by Michael.May 2nd, 2017
SUNBURST – Learning To Cope With Pressure
29 Comments, Apple2, Archiving, WOzFest, by Michael.Saturday 29th April 2017 was WOzFest PR#6 where the theme was preservation, so I had the perfect candidate for the project in a recent acquisition of Sunburst’s “Learning To Cope With Pressure”, of course it comes with a 5.25″ floppy with protection, but they did generously include a second spare master diskette.
September 28th, 2012
Archiving My Old Mac Floppy Disks
30 Comments, Archiving, Mac 512K, by Michael.Finally (and about time too), I got around to setting up my KryoFlux Disk USB Floppy Controller. The USB controller has been sitting in its box for over a year now, and the spare 1/2 day arrived, and I hooked it up to my miniServer.